About me
I’m a third year Computer Vision PhD student at IMAGINE (ENPC) and VISTA (Ecole Polytechnique) labs. My research is focused on conditional generative models. I’m supervised by David Picard and Vicky Kalogeiton. Before my PhD, I graduated from the MVA master (Mathematiques, Vision et Apprentissage) at ENS Paris Saclay and I got my engineering degree from Telecom SudParis following the MSA specialization (Mathematics and Statistical Modeling). I’ve also done an internship at Meta, where i worked on Model Based Reinforcement Learning.
During my PhD, I have worked on GANs and diffusion models. I also have a high interest in the current development of the field of generative models around Large Language Models.
Our work Around the World in 80 Timesteps got accepted at CVPR 2025.
Attended the ICVSS 2024 Summer School!

Apr 2024 - Jun 2024
Teaching Assistant for INF473V - Modal d'informatique - Deep Learning in Computer Vision at Ecole Polytechnique
- Helped supervise the practical sessions of the course.
- Created a Kaggle competition for the students end of the course project. The goal was to create a classifier but we only provided them with the val and test data. They needed to create their own training data with pretrained diffusion models. The goal was to classify among 37 different cheeses.
Feb 2023 - Jun 2023
Teaching Assistant for INF473V - Modal d'informatique - Deep Learning in Computer Vision at Ecole Polytechnique
- Helped supervise the practical sessions of the course.
- Built a new practical session on Transformers.
- Created a Kaggle competition for the students end of the course project. The goal was to classify synthetic images in a weakly supervised setting.
Nov 2022
Teaching Assistant for INF573 - Image Analysis and Computer Vision at Ecole Polytechnique
- Helped supervise students projects.
Open Source
- Talk at TUM: Conditional Generative Models (September 19, 2024)
- IMAGINE Seminar: LLM advances in 2023 (April 12, 2023)
- IMAGINE Seminar: Recent advances in diffusion models (April 12, 2023)
- IMAGINE Seminar: Presentation of the Perceiver papers (April 20, 2022)
- GeoVic Seminar: SCAM! Transferring humans between images with Semantic Cross Attention Modulation (February 10, 2022)
- IMAGINE Seminar: Tutorial on GANs (January 05, 2022)
- IMAGINE Seminar: SCAM! Transferring humans between images with Semantic Cross Attention Modulation (October 06, 2021)
- Outstanding reviewer award at (ACCV 2022) (December 04, 2022)
- I have co-organized the first edition of IMAGINE Hackaton. The topic was geolocation (July 26, 2023)
- I'm co-organizing the IMAGINE reading group for 2023-2024 (June 01, 2023)